Rain - an answer to all our prayers?

Thank you to all for your prayers.  There has been a miracle!  It has rained, even though the rainy season has now finished. People and animals can now have drinking water.  Some animals have already died but many will now be saved.  The price of cattle had gone down significantly, so we hope that will now improve too.

The normal planting season is November and December (during the short rainy season) and harvest April, May and June (following the longer rainy season).  The big question for everyone is: will it continue raining long enough to plant seeds successfully?   Please pray for God to provide guidance and encouragement at this worrying time.

Please also pray for Bishop Given's parents, both of whom are unwell and in need of hospital treatment.  In particular, the Bishop's mother has had a severe stroke.  Please pray for all involved, that God will provide healing and also strength and peace to the Bishop, Lilian as she provides care, the wider family and wisdom to all the medical professionals.  Please pray too for the scan which is being done on Monday 29 April 2019.

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