Chinyika parish
The parish church is St Luke's and the pastor is Rev Canon Stanley Ngalya.

The parish.
The pastor is Rev. Aidan Bakari. There are are six churches in the parish and Ziwaa is a sub parish.:
Chinyika - Cat. Emi Lubuvo, Cat. Aidan Bakari
Msanyante - Cat.Elia Chilamba
Zezengwalo - Cat. Zakaria Masigati
Majengo - Cat. Anna Bakari
Mbebe - Cat. Marian Petro
Hubu Cat. Joseph Meda

Rev Canon Stanley Ngalya and his wife in 2023 who came out of retirement to look after the parish..
Community development.
The Chinyika Parish has been taking part in the Church and Community Mobilization Programme since 2018. As a result, the local church and their community are responding to the challenges they face, working together to pursue long-term sustainable initiatives. These include the construction of family houses, applying climate-smart agricultural methods to their farms, setting up Savings Groups and venturing into small business enterprises.
After conducting a village needs assessment, the community decided that the most needed facility was a dispensary. In collaboration with village and church leaders, the people of Chinyika agreed to fundraise for the project themselves, bought the land, and are currently building the dispensary. This initiative has resulted in an offer by the district council to cover the roofing costs once the structure is complete.
These pictures show some of the developments as a result of the CCMP - a catechist's new house and thriving farm, and the foundations for the new dispensary in June 2023.

Please ask the pastor about baptism, marriage, funerals, or Sunday services please speak to the pastor.
Written correspondence to:
Kanisa la Anglican
Wakenze Parish - Dinari ya Makorongo
Dayosisi ya Kondoa
PO Box 7