Community Development

The vision of the Kondoa Diocese is:
to be distinctively Christian in our commitment to confidently introducing Jesus to all and improving the lives of the marginalised and the poor.
The example provided by Jesus in Luke’s gospel leads the Diocese in its commitment to showing Jesus’ love and grace to all, often through very practical projects, for example, that provide food sustainability or education.
Bishop Given is a Lukan scholar and he says:
“What is needed in the Anglican Church of Tanzania is ... a new understanding of the nature of evangelism and of church mission. Jesus Christ holds out his transforming love not only to individuals but to whole societies; he offers new life to human beings not only spiritually but also practically. In the gospels Jesus presents that model to the church and the ACT is required to do likewise.”.
The Bishop believes that eradicating poverty and social justice are not an add on to Jesus' mission, but are rather an integral part of proclaiming the good news.