Kidoka Parish
The parish church is St Paul's
The Parish
The Pastor and Area Dean is Rev Ernesti Chizenga (pictured below). There are four churches at Kidoka, Bombani, Mbago Star and St John's.
The catechists are:
Kidoka - Janeth Wanga
Bombani - Zakaria Chuna
Mbago Star - Emmanuel Mgaliwa
St John's at Masaini - Cat. Robert Ashery.

The women of the church have been making clay pots as a community project and through this work, and their singing and worship, the church has seen many blessings.

The new church is being built by three Masai tribe families, with a small contribution from other church members. Below is a picture of the new church, under construction.

Below is a picture of Bishop Given, being shown the foundations of the new kindergarten, in July 2019.

Below is a picture from the confirmation service in July 2019 at which 30 Christians, including people from local Maasai tribes, were confirmed.

Community development
The parish is one of seventeen in the diocese, taking part in the Church and Community Mobilization Programme (CCMP). The CCMP is a Bible-based, guided training approach that local churches are using with their communities. Together, they identify the resources they have, then, work together, to bring about long-lasting, whole-life change. As local communities work through the process, they decide which activities will bring about the most effective and positive outcomes for them given their current situations.
For more information about the CCMP.
For enquiries concerning baptism, marriage, funerals, or Sunday Services please speak to the Pastor. Any correspondence should be addressed to:
Kanisa la Anglican
Kidoka Parish - Dinari ya Chemba
Dayosisi ya Kondoa
PO Box 7