Kikore Parish
The parish church is All Saints in Kikore.

There are three churches at Kikore, Mihembeti and Dachenche. The picture above is of All Saints Church, during a visit from the UK Diocese of Rochester in April 2024.
The Pastor is Rev. Emmanuel Elia Mwaluko, shown below with the church kindergarten teacher.The parish lies on the northern edge of the Diocese of Kondoa and has a population mainly consisting of the Wairaqw tribe although there are also Wamburu, Wagogo, Masai and Wairangi tribes.

There is a primary and a secondary school in the village and the church also has a kindergarten (see pictures below taken in 2024). There is a water source in the village so people are able to farm all year around and the parish is much more fertile than other parts of the Diocese. Maize, beans and sunflowers are grown as well as bananas and vegetables.

The school above and the kindergarten below.
Enquiries concerning baptism, marriages, funerals and Sunday Services should be addressed to the Pastor.
Any correspondence should be addressed to
Kanisa la Anglican
Itolwa Parish - Dinari ya Itolwa
Dayosisi ya Kondoa
PO Box 7