Mwaikisabe Parish
St Mark's Church

The Parish
The Pastor and Area Dean for the Mwailaje Deanery is Rev. Andrea Mwaluko. The parish includes three churches at Mwaikasabe, Lugoba and Zengesa.
The catechists are:
Mwaikasabe - Moses Mhindi and Yona Samueli
Lugoba - Elizabeth Mika Paulo
Zengesa - Saimon Luka Njitii
Mwaikisabe sits close to the Diocese’s southern boundary with Dodoma. The majority of the population comes from the Wagogo, Wairangi and Masai tribes and there is a large Christian population. It has a primary school but no secondary school. The area is very dry and it is not unusual to find people busy collecting water and so being unable to attend church services.
Parish link
The parish is linked with ST AUGUSTINE'S WITH St LUKE'S BROMLEY COMMON in the Diocese of Rochester UK. In partnership, we have been working together to build houses for the pastor and catechist
(Amani Mathias). The houses are shown below, along with pictures of six visitors from the UK, who visited the parish in August 2023.
Nigel and Ann Pope with Rev Canon John SInda and his wife Margaret.

The pastor and catechist's houses, 2023

Visitors to the parish in August 2023

Community development
The parish in one of thirteen taking part in the Church and Community Mobilization Programme (CCMP). The CCMP is a Bible-based, guided training approach that local churches are using in the diocese. As they work through the training process with their communities, they gather detailed information about all aspects of their lives and decide which activities will bring about the most effective and positive outcomes for them.
Mwaikisabe started the three-year programme in February 2023. For more information about the CCMP. Articles/514936/Community_Development.aspx
Please speak to the Pastor about baptism, marriage, funerals, and Sunday services.
Written correspondence to:
Kanisa la Anglican
Mwailisabe Parish - Dinari ya Mwailanje
Dayosisi ya Kondoa
PO Box 7