Soya Parish
The Pastor is Rev. John Obei and there are two churches in the parish - Soya and Mtenyele.
The catechists at Mtenyele is Cat. Yohana Nado.
Community development.
Soya is one of thirteen parishes taking part in the Church and Community CCMP is a Bible-based, guided training approach that a local church can use with its community to identify the resources they have, then, working together, bring about long-lasting, whole-life change. As local communities work through the process, they decide which activities will bring about the most effective and positive
outcomes for them given their current situations. Soya started the three-year programme in 2023. You can read more information about the Articles/514936/Community_Development.aspx
Please ask the pastor about baptism, marriage, funerals, and Sunday services.
Written correspondence to:
Kanisa la Anglican
Sub Parish ya Soya - Dinari ya Mwailanje
Dayosisi ya Kondoa
PO Box 7