Mothers' Union Hostel
The Mother’s Union hostel is the place to stay when visiting Kondoa! The building was completed in June 2019 and has 12 self contained rooms with full Wi-Fi, individual showers and pedestal toilets. It is very comfortable.
The hostel is a five-minute walk from the Diocesan compound and Kondoa town is within easy walking distance if you want to explore.
The rooms generally contain two single beds, but at least one has a double bed.
Food is either provided in the small dining area at the hostel, at the Diocesan offices or at the Bishop’s house.
Further detail is below:
Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner per person per day Tshs 30,000/=
Accommodation: Per room per day Tshs 25,000 /=
Hostel address:
9 Tumbelo Road, Kondoa
Bookings: Please book your accommodation and food with Jacob Letema, Finance Officer: or (+255) 89 570 817.
The bedrooms

The communal lounge

Each room has its own shower and pedestal toilet.

Bishop Given inspecting the hostel. Here standing in the central corridor.
Our grateful thanks to Trinity Church, Wall Street and other generous donors for making this project possible.
The pictures below show the new building at early construction stage in December 2015, with the Mothers' Union Chair, Rev'd Lilian Gaula.