Prayers for the family of Rev John Samuel Lubuva
We are very sad to announce the death of Rev'd John Lubuva of Chinyika Parish in Mpendo Deanery, former Area Dean. He died on 13 November 2019 at Dodoma Hospital follwing abdominal surgery.
Rev'd John Lubuva leaves behind his wife, Emi and their seven children: three boys, Peter, Amos and Charles and four girls, Mariam, Zilpa, Ester and Mpendwa.
Chinyika Parish is in the Tearfund CCMP Programme and below is a picture of Rev Lubuva earlier this year with Rev'd Canon Jim Stewart of St James’ Church, Tunbridge Wells (Diocese of Rochester UK), sponsor of the CCMP in Kondoa.
Rev'd Lugua's funeral in his home village of Mwaikisabe.
Emi Luguvu (in blue)
Please pray for Rev Lubuva's family to be comforted and to be provided for in their need. May God bless them.