Prayer request from Bishop Given September 2020

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am just writing to thank you so much for the generousity of our friends this year who have given to Kondoa sacrificially.

For your note not only we have helped our people in time of need but the diocese have paid all the debts from the government, especillay our land and buildings tax, which this government is very serious, it was a big pressure on my part, CCT and ACT the only remain is individuals debts.

This has helped us to focus on mission work. Indeed without the support of our friends for Kondoa we would have closed our office. Just imagine receiving only Tsh 700000 per month from all parishes while you need 9,000,000 to  run the Diocese per month how would this diocese have been survived? But God is good!

Also you will be interested to learn that for the first time during my confirmation and pastoral visitation this year as I worked to bring back the diocese together I have received a lot of gifts especially from the Masai communities! God is good! We wonder why? I think the fear of Covid19 has brought some positive thing among the people turning to God as the only one who can help them for such time as this!

The challenges are there but some postive thing can come out of it. Also the fact that God can answer prayers the result of God meeting our needs is because some people are fasting and spending the night in prayer asking God to meet our needs.

I remember one week in March for the whole there was prayer chain people were fasting and praying for the diocese there was a demand to pay tax for our Chemba land and the director of land in Chemba is a Muslim and had to have many travels to Dodoma to see some big people. At that time it was so hard and some godly people came to the idea that we needed to cry to God and formed prayer chain. And God faithfully has answered their prayers.

God answers prayer!

Now pray for the need of our Bible College. We thank Christ Church Opington, St Nicholas, Sevenoaks and others who have given for the Bible College to start. But more funds are needed. I think at the moment this is the most desperate need. I know per week, apart from maize and beans which we have bought for the whole semester. for the day to day needs per week I sign Tsh 600000.  So you can see the demand for our Bible College is huge.

Pray that God will answer our prayer for our Bible College need!


Graduation of Bible College students July 2020

Graduation of Bible College st