Building the Masai church community

4 May 24 visiting Masai villagBishop Given invited Bishop Jeremiah Taama, who is a Masai from Kajiado, Kenya to help with evangelising and Church planting among the Masai.

Bishop Taama has been a great blessing to the Diocese, he has been teaching in the Bible College and last week he went out to visit Masai communities in the Diocese.

The pictures below show Bishop Jeremiah discussing education with members of a Masai community, with the congregation outside the church and with primary and secondary schools students at Gidei Gwandi.  The church founder here is pastor Magdalene, who has worked hard to establish this new church community. 

4 May 24 visiting Masai villagWhile in the village Bishop Jeremiah played the drums, danced and sang in Maasai with the elders. Please click here to see a short video of the joyful singing and dancing. 

The journey was best with difficulties as the recent heavy rains have caused many problems with the roads. The Bishops car was stuck in heavy mud for four hours on the way.

4 May 24 visiting Masai villag