SOMA visit to Tanzania and welcoming the Bishop of Mpwapwa to Kidoka parish

Bishops Given and Luzineth
Bishop Given is coordinating a visit from SOMA International to Tanzania. The delegates will be visiting a number of Dioceses around the country and Bishop Given will greet them as they arrive in Dodoma on Monday 27 30 May 2024.

SOMA "enables encounters with God around the world which envision and equip leaders for mission and evangelism and the development of other leaders. We are a community of prayer which connects the church across the Anglican World especially through sending and receiving short-term cross-cultural teams". 

Prior to this visit, Bishop Luzineth Kingamkono, Bishop of Mpwapwa was welcomed to Kondoa for an orientation seminar being held at Kidoka parish.  The seminar is being held over the two days Friday and Saturday 24th and 25th May and is attended by more than 90 leaders from the Kidoka Deanery.
Bishops Given and Luzineth Kidoka seminar 240524    Kidoka seminar 240524.jpg (3)